Avoiding Spell Scams/Avoiding Magic Scams/Avoiding Snake Oil Scams

How To Avoid Spell Scams/How To Avoid Magic Scams/How To Avoid Snake Oil Scams

Hypocritical Snake Oil Police at moonlightenchantments.com Even Claim "[Don't go to a spell caster] who has the time to police [scammers], most  likely, is a hypocrite showing the world that 'Jane Doe' is BAD, but I'm GOOD. Smear campaigns make the smearer look bad, not the smearee."

AllA Erawa Viacad vs. moonlightenchantments.com


Well You At moonlightenchantments.com certainly Have Time To Hypocritically And Strategically Target Me, AllA Erawa Viacad's www.scientificmagicorder.com, Through Hosted Policing Articles in Effect, But That Is Not To Only Reason Why They Are Scammers But I Am Not Going Into Why They Sell Snake Oil And www.magicgizmos.com Real Magic, That You Have To See Yourself For Free By Going To www.ArcaneMagicSpellBook.com And Trying Magic Spell Book With Things You Find Around Your House That Look And Feel Right To Seek Proof Through Scientific Experiment Which Won't Cost You More Than The Printed Paper, And The Ink!


http://www.moonlightenchantments.com/SpellCastingScams.html Says This:

Avoiding Spell Scams

1. Money-Back Guarantees. Avoid purchasing a spell from someone who offers a money back guarantee. If, in fact, they actually cast your spell, they certainly won't refund your money. Spells take too much work via consultation, energy reads (before, during and after the casting), preparing the tools, writing the spell, casting time and energy and purchasing supplies to just hand over a refund if the casting doesn't work properly. The money-back guarantee ploy is just a way to get you in the door.

{AllA: Actual Guarantees. Offering A Money Back Guarantee Usually Means You Will Never Get Your Money Back If The Thing Did What It Shows On The Commercial At All But If Our Magic Gizmos Didn't Do What We Say They Do Which Is Grant You Infinite Wishes Over Eternity That Are The Right Thing For The Universe To Be Happy And Give You Vast Magical Powers Relative To All Competition You Would Get Your Money Back. Yes We Won't Refund Money To Screw Offs Though Who Don't Follow The Instructions In Magic Spell Book BUT NEITHER WILL MICROSOFT IF YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO CLICK THORUGH THE WINDOWS INSTALL.}

2. Extortion or Blackmail. Don't trust a caster who pushes spells on you or frightens you into purchasing more and more services. A caster should advertise his or her service. You should approach the caster if you're interested but not be harassed or threatened by fear tactics.

{AllA: Extortion or Blackmail, What You Do In Secret. When You Don't Learn How To USE The Magic Gizmos And Tell Everybody They Suck Without Even Showing Them Or Telling Them About The Links Its Like Buying Microsoft Windows And Saying It Doesn't Work Because You Didn't Even Plug In Your Computer Or Something Forcing Everybody To Have A P.O.S. Mac So Of Course You Should Be Cursed Into Buying A Gem Coffee Table So That People Actually Find Out About Us Or In The Analogy The Winning O.S.}

3. Biological Samples. Don't be fooled by casters asking for biological samples in order to cast a spell. I must add biological samples are helpful in some cases, but they are not necessary for a successful casting. The thing about bio samples is, they need to come from the person you're casting upon. If a spell caster is working directly on the person who hired her, then bio samples would help. But if it's a spell on anybody else (love, justice, job-related, etc.), bio samples from the client would have no use. The most success spells prevail without biological samples. Think about it. If you're in love from a distance, you can't very well approach the object of your affection and cut a lock of his hair or ask for a fingernail clipping. Some unethical casters ask for these samples to blackmail you later if you do not purchase more services.

{AllA: Helpful Things. WTF What If The Genie Need To Demonstrate To The Other Genies The 1 cm Singular Strand Of Hair To Show The Lesser Genies Who It Is So They Have Proof, Although Not Necessary It Helps Just As Much As Running A Weekly Antivirus Scan Rather Than A 2-Weekly Virus Scan.}

4. Cheap Charms or Talismans. Don't fall for the cheap charm trick. Charms and talismans are much different than and separate from spells. You don't need to wear a talisman or charm for your spell to be successful. Just like you don't need to use a Rosary to pray the Rosary. The object and the prayer are different. The object and the spell are different as well. Some unethical casters use this to show they are "doing" something when it's completely unnecessary. Others want to send you a charm to blame you if the casting fails, stating you didn't follow the instructions or your energy tainted the charm.

{AllA: Not Wasting Your Money On An Expensive Ponzi Scheme Even At The Bottom Making Tons Of Money From People Who Don't Even Get Results. Jewelry Helps More Than The Biological Sample But If It IS Always A "cheap charm trick" Why Are You Wearing An Wedding Ring Or A Engagement Ring Or Something, Is Your Beloved God Wrong About Rings As They Are Mentioned In The Bible! About "follow the instructions" Would The Genie In Aladdin Have Helped Aladdin If He Shoved It Up His Ass Instead Of Rubbing The Lamp Or Is There No Rime Or Reason To Nature And More Importantly Psychology Of Real Spirits.}

5. Professionals Who Belittle Other Professionals Are Not Professional. Don't use an online magickal shop or magickal practitioner if he or she belittles others in the profession by name or website - or who polices the profession by spending time and energy "eliminating scammers". How would a professional, who is making magickal items or casting spells, have the TIME and ENERGY to do that? There wouldn't be enough hours in the day. Anyone who has the time to police, most likely, is doing nothing BUT policing. They are hypocrites showing the world that "Jane Doe" is BAD, but I'm GOOD. Simply stated: They don't want the competition that legitimate magickal professionals bring. Smear campaigns make the smearer look bad, not the smearee.

{AllA: Hypocrite. Umm What Are You Doing Right Now With Your Time And Hosting Money, And Shouldn't Real Magicians Be Bring Down Charlatans With Their Mana Or Did Harry Potter Just Watch As Voldemort Brought Up What Are Effectively Magicless wand/gun Slinging Muggles Who Didn't Even Get More Than Shoot Bolts(gun) And Use Hold Spells(cuffs)!}

6. No Proof of Spell Casting. Don't trust a professional caster who does not offer you a proof of casting option in one form or another. My great grandmother's clients were local and regional so they were able to sit with her during the ritual if they wished. Today, clients who use online services don't have that luxury, yet we have other luxuries that can be just as valuable. Not all clients want proof of casting since identifiable information on them is recorded. However, many do. That's why a spell caster should offer this proof. Good methods of proof are audio recordings, video recordings or digital, time-stamped pictures. We offer proof of casting to our clients at NO additional charge. And in case you're wondering . . . having a video cam or audio recorder in the room does not taint the spell process. We also offer a financial breakdown of the money a client spends on their spell package. We also offer a financial breakdown of the money a client spends on their spell package.

{AllA: Proof Is In The Pudding. Why Don't You Actually Prove It Works Not Just Show A Picture Of Somebody Doing Something, If Your Shit Actually Worked The Better Business Bureau Would Call It More Than Snake Oil. If You Actually Call Them They Will Tell You That My Magic Spell Book Actually Works If You Follow The Instructions But No They Will Just Rant And Rave About How Every Other Magic Dealer/Psychic Is A Charlatan Scum Bag When It Comes To You!}

7. Cheap Spells. Don't trust a caster who offers cheap spells. These are scam sites. People always ask me why I charge so much for my spells. Well, here's why ~ No one could cast a successful professional spell for $30. Maybe you could throw together $30 worth of used items from around the house and cast one for yourself. But do you want a spell caster do that for your work? A professional spell MEANS professionally performed. A spell for $30 would not be professionally done. Supplies, alone, are much more than that. I can't imagine casting a professional spell for less than $300 - which includes the cost of my supplies, your supplies and my time. And if you check the items I send to the client, you will see that everything is of the highest quality. Generally, cheap spells are just that - cheap. Either never cast or not cast properly. You get what you pay for.

{AllA: Giving You More Money Is Not Going To Help If It Never Worked For Anybody Else. $400 For Infinite Wishes May By Cheap But Just Because We Employ Robot Wizards To Build Them And Don't Make Magic Into A Racquet Like Everybody Else Does Charging $300 For An Introductory Spell Does Not Mean It Is "get[ing] what you pay for." Magic Comes From The Heart, Mind, And Body. Having The Right Gizmos Helps But You Can Find Proof Of Magic Just By Going Here And Spending 2 Minutes On This.}

8. 100 Percent Results, Guaranteed. Avoid anyone who guarantees results. That is absolutely laughable in any profession. Nobody anywhere can guarantee results on anything. That is your immediate red flag to look elsewhere for an honest professional. Nobody is 100 percent. Nobody is God period.

{AllA: You Just Fail 100% Of The Time. Just Call They Government And They Will Guarantee Results For Us, its only your cursed results which are laughable.}

9. The Impossible! Don't place your trust in someone who claims to do the impossible. Bringing the dead back to life. A celebrity knock at your door with a marriage proposal. Losing 100 lbs. in 30 days. Turning you into a vampire. Manifesting a dragon or unicorn. These claims are ridiculous and impossible.

{AllA: The Probable At Least In Your Night Dreams. The Dead May Not Be Able To Be Brought Back To Life But With The N.O.C. List We Can Certainly Tell You Your Dead Grandmother's Phone Number Or Whatever And Then You Can Hear From A Kid That You Need To Play Video Games Or You'll Suck At Life Along Side From What Your Grandmother Told You When You Were A Kid Cuz The Dead Do Get Reborn Very Very Quickly. No We Don't Turn People Into Vampires But Here Is The Fountain Of Youth.}

10. Black Magick. Never go to a caster who practices black magic. There is ALWAYS a way to handle matters ethically, so everyone involved is happy, safe and healthy. There is NEVER a need to cause an innocent person (or an animal) heartache or injury even if they are on the opposing side. A spell professional who causes an innocent person heartache or injury will do the same to you if you don't give in to extortion or blackmail.
(Note: I said an innocent person because I practice Grey Magick which can harm when necessary - such as justice, protection or defense. And I NEVER hesitate to do so WHEN necessary.)

{AllA: We Teach Green Magic To You. Not If You Are On The Benevolent Side, The Side Of Right, And Have Magical Powers Too.}

11. Make Him Love You No Matter What! You often hear folks who practice New Age Magick say that they only practice "white magick" because they refuse to "bend the will "of others. And I commend them for their ethical qualities. But, frankly, bending the will of others is impossible. You cannot make someone love you who is completely closed to the idea of loving you. That's not how love spells work. Spells can soften and awaken true love, stir emotions, cause the other person to see your perspective, bring total strangers together who otherwise wouldn't meet and safely dissolve difficult obstacles. But the subject of the spell work has to be open to the idea of falling in love for the spell to be successful. How do you know if the subject is open to love? Ask your spell caster. Regardless of your spell caster's magickal tradition, he or she should know precisely how to determine that without hesitation.

{AllA: Soulmating Is What We Do. Your True Soulmates Are The Ones Who Look Hottest To You, Then We Provide Both Weight Loss/Body Healing, Ramming Through Any Feeble Obstacles Through Magic That Sways Them Into Sex As Well As Conspiracy Theory Information That May Alleviate Political Obstinance And Proper Teachings That Cause Theological Misgivings.}

12. Unreal Feel. Scam sites normally look like this: "Madame Zooha Mooha knows all, sees all." This is followed by a bunch of ridiculous claims or generic "buy one, get one free" spells. They also "feel" unreal. No real picture of the person you'll be working with - usually a phoney picture of a Voodoo Queen, grandmother-type figure or a gorgeous model. No blog. No real interaction. And so are similar sites. An example of this is when you do a search, 20 similar sites come up, all with something slightly different. Madame Zooha Mooha might have one site. Similar content is on the next site entitled "Find Your Soulmate In An Instant". And the list goes on to 18 others with similar content, but different names and background colors. The sites I described are run by the same person. The goal is to take your money, shut down quickly after only a few months and reopen under the same modus operandi No spell is ever cast. They're scam sites.

{AllA: Systematically Targeting My WebRing Cause These Hypocrites Are Targeting Their Leading Competitor. I Do Happen To Look Good Even Thought I Am 30 Years Old Cuz Of The Fountain Of Youth. Soulmates Do Get Found In An Instant With Us Cuz We Just Access The CIA Database And Give You The NOC Readout, Nice Job Squerlin That One In There. But No The CIA Gets It When You Lick Your First Stamp On A Letter With Your Passport Or Something And Your Body Can't Be Biomoded To Get Past Our Genies!}

13. Free & Short-Running Websites. Never use a free website, or a spell caster with a free email address (yahoo, gmail, etc.) The email address should be attached to a domain name. And check to see how long a site has been active. If it's less than one year, you may want to search for a longer-running site. Most scam sites stay around from six to twelve months. Some as long as two years. Rarely longer but there are exceptions. These scammers try to take as many clients as possible then dismantle their sites and start all over again. You could check how long a site has been running by a "WhoIs Lookup" through Google. Moonlight Enchantments has been online since 2005.

{AllA: Your Website Just Doesn't Get Shut Down Because You Don't Give Your Physical Office Address Online{See Their Number 14 Below.} And Is Ghosted Because The Government Is Trying To Shut You Down Just Call The White House. Not Actually All All Magic Sellers Do Is Get The Support Of Scummy Lawyers Saying "Its All About About The Dream Of Magic Because All Magic Is Proven False By Science." To That I Say Prove This Wrong Mobster: The Supreme Matrix Theory!}

14. Bogus Physical Addresses. Don't believe, for one moment, that a psychic or a spell caster who is working online must provide a physical address to be real. On scam sites, these psychic/spell casters list an office address that is totally bogus. The reason for working on the internet is to attract a large number of people by working anonymously. You certainly can be legitimate and anonymous. In this day and age, anyone who would willingly provide private, identifiable information online is taking a very high risk. Most of us work out of our homes and have families to protect. It would be dangerous and foolish to provide home addresses online. Psychics/spell casters who do, I could guarantee, are giving you a false address, because nobody in their proper mind would risk their safety in that regard.

{AllA: Your A Ghost Because The Good Magicians Are Trying To Shut You Down. My Address May Be Online But Only Because I Am Biomoded As A SINSS Sex Toy And With More Hit Points Than A Gundam Wing To Boot So I Don't Have To Worry About Safety Because I Am Virtually Indestructible,,, just Call The Guberment For Proof Primitive One And Not The Scumbags Who Still Let Fake Magicians Sell Snake Oil.}

15. Fake awards. Oh, there are many out there who claim to have gotten awards from spell casting associations, guilds, organizations, etc. I tried, in 2007, to put together a group of ethical spell casters. It was nearly impossible, and I ended up with membership applications from just family members and a few personal friends. (So Sacred Chants Spell Casting Society consists of my aunt, two cousins and three personal friends who practice magick.) I found out quickly that this type of profession is very secretive and private. Most clients see spell casters anonymously so there's no way for a group to monitor the process of a professional spell caster. And the magickal profession, as a whole, is a loosely knit community with professionals having no real ties to each other. So claims of large groups of people coming together to vote on the best spell caster are bogus. Award ceremonies - bogus. Newspaper clippings about these awards - bogus. There was only one group that I know of that gave fair yearly awards, NOT to spell casters but to Magickal Shoppes in general. They reviewed us several times when I had a physical shoppe, and they included online shoppe reviews, too, if the physical shoppe "spilled over" to the internet. But if I'm remembering correctly, even the online aspect of the shoppe had to be present for a certain length of time. Now they did write reviews on psychics, spell professionals, reiki healers and so on in their newsletter but those were reviews only- not awards. They did not give awards for best in any of those fields because it's impossible to monitor. Obviously, some shoppe owners were also spell casters and psychic readers, but that was not the focus of their investigation or the nature of their yearly award. The focus was the Shoppe, itself. The items sold, the professionalism, customer reviews, etc. Things they could see and monitor. They have since disassembled. But nobody has ever given awards to psychics for "Best Psychic" or to spell casters for "Best Spell Casters". Only New Age or Magickal Shoppes.

{AllA: Real Awards, Real Magic Guild, All From The SciMag Order. Your The Biggest Of The Scams Not A Team Of Seven But Consist Of Shadowy Regional Offices In Ghettos The Government Can't Enforce The Laws Of This Country On. Your A Loosely Knit Community Because You Are A Ghost Like AlQaeda, In Fact You Are Actually AlQaeda Or At Least The Magical Branch Of It. Ranks And Awards Are Given Out By Us Because We Are A Respectable Organization Of Mystics Who See Along The Same Lines And Are Under The Guise Of The Free World Alliance, Within The SciMag Order, And If One Casts Spells Or Blesses Things Are In The Magic Guild.

16. Western Union. Pay Pal is the safest way to make and accept payments. Pay Pal verifies online sellers through several different means - including location, business tax identification and bank information - to make sure the person is real. You don't have that same protection and verification with Western Union.

{AllA: Your Only Good Point.}

But Also Keep In Mind ~

17. Shouldn't You Be Working For Free? Don't consider the possibility that a legitimate spell caster "shouldn't charge for their services". There is a new, white magickal tradition that started in the 1950s and gained huge popularity in 1970s. That very noble tradition has kind of "hijacked" magick. As a result, there is total and complete misconception of true (original) magick and its purpose. I'm not condemning or criticizing anyone who wishes to follow the White New Age concept of magick but it's just not accurate to History. And someone's opinion or belief cannot change history. It's not immoral to charge a fee for work performed, supplies needed, and services rendered. Restaurant owners don't give away meals for free. Doctors don't treat patients for free. We all must earn a living and respect the time, energy, talents and efforts of others. Druids charged for their services. In ancient Rome, there were spell & magick shoppes on every corner. Every village had a wiseman or woman in every continent of the world. And in my family, I can verify back six generations of professional spell casters, tarot readers and magickal practitioners. Professional spell casters and magickal practitioners have been charging for their services since the beginning of time. That's the history of magick. This could be easily verified by reading a book prior to 1950.

{AllA: You Just Charge Too Much Money And Curse People Because You Are In AlQaeda.}

18. Failure Does Not Equal Scam - Two Separate Things. Don't believe all professional spell casters are scammers because you had a bad experience with one or two. If a spell doesn't manifest, that doesn't necessarily mean you were scammed. Spell casters are human beings. We know how to harness energy and mold it to a specific goal. But we are not God, and there are times when that process fails for various reasons. Even spell professionals with the very highest success rates have their share of failures. Like a doctor cannot guarantee a surgery will be successful, and a lawyer cannot guarantee the outcome of a trial, a spell caster cannot guarantee that you will receive the exact results you requested. Remember that God has the final word, and you will receive precisely what's in your best interest.

{AllA: You People Just Fail All The Time.}

19. Know The Basics. Have a basic understanding of magick before working with any spell caster. Don't come into it with the illusion that magick should work in an instant or that real magicians are similar to those depicted in Harry Potter or Lord of The Rings. That's fiction. Real life magick is much different. If a potential client comes to me saying that he or she tried 100 spell casters, went broke in the process and was scammed by each one, that's MY red flag. Either the person has unrealistic expectations or an emotional problem that requires assistance by a non-magickal professional. If you have to choose between paying your rent or buying a spell, pay your rent.

{AllA: Real Magic, What We Give Away For Free Is Like Harry Potter Just Without The Fireballs Usually. You Will Fail 100 Times At Least If You Do Not Stay In This Ring The Ring Of The Illuminati. Non-Magical Professionals Are Quacks Who Will Just Put You In A Mental Hospital For Decrying Them As Quacks Or For Even Believing In Magic!}

And last but not least . . .

20. Think Before Speaking. Be very careful who you accuse of being a con artist. There are many scammers out there but there are some honest magickal professionals as well. The last thing you want to do is call a powerful, ethical spell caster a fraud if he or she truly isn't. You may wake up as a "toad" with a whole "pond full" of bad luck. :)

{AllA: Freedom Of Speach Bitch.}


http://www.moonlightenchantments.com/PsychicScams.html Also Says This:

Avoiding Psychic Scams

1. Never hire an advisor who claims 100 percent accuracy on psychic or related readings. Nobody is 100 percent accurate. No doctor, no lawyer, no psychologist and no psychic. Only God is 100 percent accurate. The lower the accuracy claim, the more genuine they are.

{AllA: Don't Target Us Cause We Are Smart Enough To Get To Like %99.99 Accuracy Or Something We Are Just Better Than You Even Without The Magic You Can Still Sometimes Know The Patterns And Consequences To That Level Just Like Bill Gates Would Be %99.9999999999 Sure Your Computer Would Only Work If It IS Plugged in.}

2. Never hire an advisor who offers you a money back guarantee. Nobody is going to take $100 from you and if a prediction doesn't occur, hand you the fee back. Traditionally, psychics are not paid for predictions to occur. They are paid for the time spent reading. Anyone who offers a money back guarantee is a fraud for that reason. They will ignore your request, become abusive or threatening or continue to scam you with more false promises. A psychic shouldn't guarantee any prediction, because NO predictions can honestly be guaranteed. (Read my article, Why Some Predictions Materialize.)

{AllA: Sorry We Out Source Teaching To Dead Grandmothers So Expect That They Need To Buy The Next Video Game So In Exchange For Tutoring You About the Converse Law Or Something You Can Always Read About On Google If You Don't Want To Be A Mama's Boy.}

3. Never hire an advisor who PROMISES to do something impossible like bring back the dead. No psychic can raise the dead or move a mountain.

{AllA: Remember Who You Were Before You Died All Those Times Over And Over Again!}

4. Never hire an advisor who tells you you're cursed and you need to pay an outrageous amount of money to have it removed. Formal curses are possible but rare.

{AllA: Face It Your Cursed Now And You'll Get Even More Cursed If You Support Evil Hypocrites So Stop Denying My Science Before You Hit Mystical Rock Bottom!}

5. Never continue services with an advisor who tells you something horrible is about to happen to you and you must pay more money so s/he can prevent it from occurring. This is one of the oldest scams in the book. Any ethical advisor would warn you of exactly what she sees or feels and tell you how you could avoid it with NO extra charge or for free, depending upon if you're in service at the time of the vision.

{AllA: Something Horrible Think Of All The People Who Will Curse You With Real Magic If You Basically Cover Up How Cool My Shit Is When They Find Out They Could Have Both Gotten Young, Gotten Skinny, And Gotten Their Wife, And Gotten a Promotion, And Then Lived Through Years Or Even Months Of Hell Cuz You Didn't Know How To Program The Universal Magical Remote Like Your Mama Didn't Know How To Get The Universal TV, Cable Box, DVD Player, VHS Player Universal Remote To Work At All And Like Your Stupid Mama Was Tellin Everybody It Was All A Scam Till Suddenly A NonYLow Came Around And Pressed All The Buttons For You So That You Didn't Curse Universal Remote Makers!}

6. Never hire a psychic/spell caster who tells you they can make someone love you or bend their free will. This is "magick trick" that's impossible. It would be considered black magick if, in fact, it would work. Anyone who would make someone do something against their will (magickally or non-magickally) for profit or any other reason is a very dangerous person and could turn on you in an instant. Every matter could be handled without harming people or animals. Oh, and for the record, you cannot make someone do something against their will with magick. Read "Avoiding Spell Scams " for more about that.

{AllA: WTF Are You Doing Then Casting Fire Balls Or Is It Turning Lead Into Gold Cuz You Don't Even Claim That Even Though The People Around Fort Knox Will Claim Lead Can Be Turned Into Gold By Our Magicians.}

7. Beware of who casts spells for you. Many take your money and never bother to cast your spell. Many offer money-back guarantees and you'll never see a dime if you attempt it. Read the fine print. Do you have to jump over hoops to get your money back? Do they respond to email? Do they treat you in a respectful manner? True professional spell casters are paid to perform your work - time, energy, and supplies - and they will not offer money-back guarantees. READ MY PIECE Avoiding Spell Scams for more tips!!

{AllA: We Don't Even Cast Spells For You. What We Do Is Show You How But They Are Getting Us With The Money Back Guarantee Thing Again Which Is What This Line Is About.}

8. Never give a psychic more money than what was originally agreed to before the hire. In other words, if s/he says the fee for a 30 minute session to contact a deceased family member is $100, don't give her any more money if she "loses the connection" after five minutes into the reading. If s/he "loses the connection", s/he should reconnect and continue for the fee agreed upon even if it requires a new session another day. You should receive the time purchased. This goes with spells as well. The original, agreed upon price should be the only fee asked for to obtain that particular goal unless you wish to purchase additional workings.

{AllA: People That Randomly Do Magic That We Reference Don't Like Reading Shit To You Like Your In Kindergarten Or Something People Like Their Job, They'll Take Your Money Away When 1. You Are Not Listening At All. 2. You Are Not Letting Them Talk About How To Fix Things. 3. You Need To Read The Fucking Link Bastard Bitch Then Get The Rest Of Your Minutes After Figuring Out The Prerequisite Course!}

9. Beware of a psychic who tries to hold you "hostage". In other words forbids you to seek the advice of other psychics or attempts to intimidate you in any way.

{AllA: We Don't Hold People Hostage We Just Tell Them About The Terrorists All Around Like Jack Bauer Would If He Were Anywhere From An Airport To A Gas Station Or Something. Like Why Is Informing People About This Scammy Internet Thing Wrong For The Last Time YOU ARE DOING IT WITH ME!!!!!

10. Pay attention to the type of business you're dealing with. Are you seeing names of people? Pictures? Staying power? How long have they been online? Many scam sites will stay online only six to twelve months before closing and opening under a different name. They have a generic feel to them with a lot of outrageous promises and unverifiable awards or claims.

{AllA: This Is Just So You Wait And Forget About My Website Nothing More.}

But Also Remember ~

11. You have free will to make changes in your life. If a fortune-teller or psychic sees something for the future you dislike, you could modify it before it occurs by the chain of events leading to it, your actions, reactions and free will decisions.

{AllA: Yes And Don't Take Any Of Moonlight Enchantments Advice Cause Worse Things Will Happen To You, They'll Tell You To See Some Kind Of Quack Doctor Just To Get Rid Of You.}

12. Don't always jump to conclusions without proof. Psychics are not divine or supernatural beings. Just because a psychic is wrong at times does not make her a con artist or a scammer. It makes her human.

{AllA: You're Worse Than Human Your A Terrorist Ponzi Scheme Of Evil Magicians, Who Yes Alway Believe In Some Magic Like All Magic Sales Websites And Some Psychics Who Just Believe In Psychicism Pretty Much All The Time But Just Use It To Curse The Benevolent And Bless The Malevolent. My Amulet Sayance Is The Opposite Just Read The Sayance It Enhances Karma.}

Choose your advisor wisely. Trust and comfort should guide you to the right expert. If you feel both of these easily, then you have the right advisor for you.

{AllA: "Choose your advisor wisely." No Duh. [Trust Us With Our Comforting Tone Cuz We Are The Right Expert Even Though We Hold You Hostage With These 10 Pages Of Targeting www.scientificmagicorder.com as a scam On Top Of Charging $300 Then $600 Then $900 Then To The Point Of Bankruptcy With This "World's Most Potent Power Spells ~ Enchanted Treasures -Supreme High Magick ~" Which Doesn't List The Price Cause If Bill Gates Actually Got Sucked Into Your Charlatan Snake Oil Crap(Which Can Only Be Caused By A Flying Saucer Incident Since He Makes Windows Funny So You Know How To Use And Hack Alien Space Ships) They Would Try And Get Him To Liquidate 3/4 Of Microsoft To Pay For The Magic, Thank God My People Can Hack The Space Ships, That Have Klingon Mind Control Systems Like www.moonlightenchantments.com Have Already Tried To Build, |And Hack Them| Cuz We Use Windows And Not Mac. We www.moonlightenchantments.com make you feel Easy Just Like A Used Car Salesman Does Or Even Worse A Mac Salesmen Targeting Artists By Convincing Them Photoshop And Adobe Illustrator Do Not Need The Right Mouse Button!] The Reason Why They Seem Nicer Than Me: They Are Trained To, The Reason Why People Buy A Mac: They Are Too Fucking Stupid To Figure Out The Menu Access Tree Caused By The Right Mouse Click Just Like You Can't Figure Out How To Write Your Spells With The Simple Ancient Formula, But That Isn't Why It Doesn't Work. Their Shit Doesn't Work Cuz It's Like Solaris And Nothing Is Designed To Work Under Its Framework, The Reason Why Your New Arcane Magic Spell Book Doesn't Work Is Cause You Didn't Read The Fucking Instructions On Programming The Remote So It Actually Talks To The Fucking TV And Shit!!!!!!!!!!

Scientific Magic Order